A miniature giraffe
Posted by Matthew Bell onMy most recent commission was for two miniature original drawings, a giraffe and a warthog. I have completed the giraffe and below are some progress pictures, plus the completed image Although they can be a challenge, I find the miniatures a lot of fun to draw, and especially enjoy that...
An Ant Commission
Posted by Matthew Bell onI was recently commissioned to complete a miniature drawing of an ant. I have never drawn any type of bug before, so it was a fun exercise, and something different! Below is a step by step in 11 pictures of the progress of the ant from beginning to end... 1....
Drawing Southern Africa's Birds
Posted by Matthew Bell onIn light of the recent (ish) release of my 'Collection Of South African Birds' poster I thought it would be fitting to focus this months blog on an aspect of my art that I really love, drawing Southern Africa's fascinating birds I have always been a keen birder, and coming from the...
Lioness of Chobe
Posted by Matthew Bell onMy latest original drawing: ‘Lioness Portrait’ is of a beautiful lioness, photographed in Chobe, Botswana. Chobe also happens to be one of my favourite places in the world to visit, with its incredible array of landscapes, from wetland to open savanna and the abundance of game and birdlife that one...
Original Examined Series - 1
Posted by Matthew Bell onIn the Originals Examined series of posts I will focus specifically on one artwork in each post and talk about my process in completing that artwork. I generally do not have a specific, strict process in completing my original drawings, however over time I have developed certain skills and techniques...
African Inspiration
Posted by Matthew Bell onI love travelling. I have been lucky enough to see many different parts of the world and I always say that travel is one of the best forms of 'life education'. However, still the best part of any trip for me is when the airplane touches back down on African...
The Art Of Realism (Part 1)
Posted by Matthew Bell onOne of the most recognizable characteristics of my art is that it is very realistic. I have always enjoyed the challenge of making a subject look as realistic as possible and this is also one of the aspects of my art that I most enjoy The more realistic an artists...
Do I use photographs as references to draw from?
Posted by Matthew Bell onThe above title is one of the most common questions I get asked about my art. I used to jokingly answer: no, I just ask the animals to please stand still for me but after the thousandth time I said this it was easier to just give the answer straight...
Working with graphite pencils
Posted by Matthew Bell onMany pencil artists use only graphite (greyscale, the 'HB's etc.) pencils for their artworks and stay well away from colour pencils. Personally, I love the variation of using both, and most of the time will alternate between completing graphite and colour drawings as I find this keeps things interesting and...
Rhodes, my final pet commission
Posted by Matthew Bell onI often get asked if I do commissions and unfortunately, most of the time the answer is no. I am very specific about what I choose to draw and therefor spend a lot of time choosing just the right photograph/s to use as references according to the subject I want...
The Wonders Of A Milky Pen
Posted by Matthew Bell onFun fact: the only other medium I use, apart from pencils is a milky pen! Sometimes this just does the trick, especially with certain finishing touches. In the photo you can see the light streaks on the head of the bird which I used a milky pen for. I generally...