A miniature giraffe

A miniature giraffe

My most recent commission was for two miniature original drawings, a giraffe and a warthog. I have completed the giraffe and below are some progress pictures, plus the completed image Although they can be a...
An Ant Commission

An Ant Commission

I was recently commissioned to complete a miniature drawing of an ant. I have never drawn any type of bug before, so it was a fun exercise, and something different! Below is a step by...
Drawing Southern Africa's Birds

Drawing Southern Africa's Birds

In light of the recent (ish) release of my 'Collection Of South African Birds' poster I thought it would be fitting to focus this months blog on an aspect of my art that I really love, drawing...
Lioness of Chobe

Lioness of Chobe

My latest original drawing: ‘Lioness Portrait’ is of a beautiful lioness, photographed in Chobe, Botswana. Chobe also happens to be one of my favourite places in the world to visit, with its incredible array of...
Original Examined Series - 1 - Matthew Bell Wildlife Art

Original Examined Series - 1

In the Originals Examined series of posts I will focus specifically on one artwork in each post and talk about my process in completing that artwork. I generally do not have a specific, strict process...
African Inspiration - Matthew Bell Wildlife Art

African Inspiration

I love travelling. I have been lucky enough to see many different parts of the world and I always say that travel is one of the best forms of 'life education'. However, still the best...
The Art Of Realism (Part 1) - Matthew Bell Wildlife Art

The Art Of Realism (Part 1)

One of the most recognizable characteristics of my art is that it is very realistic. I have always enjoyed the challenge of making a subject look as realistic as possible and this is also one...
Do I use photographs as references to draw from? - Matthew Bell Wildlife Art

Do I use photographs as references to draw from?

The above title is one of the most common questions I get asked about my art. I used to jokingly answer: no, I just ask the animals to please stand still for me but after...
Working with graphite pencils - Matthew Bell Wildlife Art

Working with graphite pencils

Many pencil artists use only graphite (greyscale, the 'HB's etc.) pencils for their artworks and stay well away from colour pencils. Personally, I love the variation of using both, and most of the time will...