A miniature giraffe

A miniature giraffe

My most recent commission was for two miniature original drawings, a giraffe and a warthog. I have completed the giraffe and below are some progress pictures, plus the completed image

Although they can be a challenge, I find the miniatures a lot of fun to draw, and especially enjoy that challenge of making something so small actually look realistic

As with my 'normal sized' drawings I start with an outline, and bit by bit fill in the smaller details and the shading from there, working from light to dark

Miniature drawings require a lot more pencil sharpening and so I am constantly sharpening every 30 seconds or so while completing one. There is also less margin for error and the focus levels also have to really be there!

Currently I have 4 different miniature originals series (each one consisting of 10 drawings) and this giraffe is part of Series 1 - Iconic African Animals



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