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Checklist of Animal Species Drawn By Matthew

  1. Aardvark
  2. Baboon
  3. Buffalo
  4. Black Rhino
  5. Cheetah
  6. Caracal
  7. Dung Beetle
  8. Elephant
  9. Gemsbok
  10. Giraffe
  11. Ground Squirrel
  12. Hippo
  13. Impala
  14. Kudu
  15. Leopard
  16. Lion
  17. Meerkat
  18. Pangolin
  19. Red Lechwe
  20. Sable Antelope
  21. Serval
  22. Vervet Monkey
  23. Warthog
  24. White Rhino
  25. Wild Dog
  26. Zebra